General rental conditions (GTC) - “CASA ALBA SUL MARE”


Casa alba sul mare, Romina Zinßmeister, Im Bohnentälchen 5, 66440 Blieskastel

  1. Conclusio of contract

The rental agreement for the holiday apartment/holiday home is binding when the booking confirmation has been received by the tenant. To confirm access, the tenant sends the landlord the confirmation by email. The holiday apartment is rented to the tenant for the specified period of time exclusively for holiday purposes and may only be occupied by the number of people specified in the contract. Guests who come to visit during their stay must be registered with the landlord and pay for their stay (costs in consultation with the landlord).

  1. Rental price and additional costs

The agreed rental price includes all flat-rate additional costs (e.g. for electricity, air conditioning/heating, water, final cleaning). Additional services, such as extra laundry packages, are listed in the booking confirmation.

  1. Rental period/inventory

On the  day of arrival , the landlord will make the rental property  available  to the tenant  in good condition from 3:00 p.m.
Immediately after his arrival, the tenant is asked to check the inventory list in the rental property for completeness and to report any shortages to the landlord no later than the day following arrival.
On the  day of departure  , the tenant is asked   to hand over the rental property to the landlord in a swept-clean condition by 10:00 a.m. at the latest.
Other arrival and departure times can be agreed individually with the landlord.

  1. Cancellation by the tenant

The tenant can withdraw from the rental agreement before the start of the rental period by submitting a written declaration to the landlord. The decisive factor is the time at which the landlord receives the declaration of withdrawal. If the tenant withdraws from the rental agreement, he must pay a flat rate compensation for the expenses already incurred by the landlord and the lost profit in the following amount:

In the event of  cancellation  we must charge the following fees:

Up to three weeks before departure 25% of the rental price. Between three weeks and one week before the start of the trip 50% of the rental price and from one week before the start of the trip 80% of the rental price. We recommend taking out cancellation insurance.

4.1 Special cancellation policy: (Covid-19)

The tenant can withdraw from the booking free of charge if unavoidable, exceptional circumstances occur at the destination (Italy/Sicily) or in its immediate vicinity that affect the execution of the trip or the transport of the tenant to the accommodation (casa-alba-sul-mare). significantly affect. The landlord can also terminate the booking (rental contract) without the tenant being entitled to compensation if he is prevented from fulfilling the contract due to unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances.

Travel warnings from the Foreign Office   are a clear indication of the places where such circumstances exist. Unavoidable, exceptional circumstances also exist if entry is not possible or a compulsory quarantine is ordered. In such cases, both the landlord and the tenant can withdraw from the booking. The tenant will then receive the full booking price or the deposit paid back.

  1. Termination by the landlord

The landlord can terminate the contractual relationship before or after the start of the rental period without notice if the tenant does not make the agreed payments (down payment, final payment, deposit, etc.) on time despite prior reminders or otherwise behaves in breach of contract to such an extent that the landlord cannot be expected to continue the contractual relationship. In this case, the landlord can demand compensation from the tenant for the expenses incurred up to the termination and the lost profit.

  1. Cancellation of the contract due to exceptional circumstances

The rental agreement can be terminated by either party if the fulfillment of the contract is significantly hindered, endangered or impaired as a result of force majeure that was not foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded. Both contracting parties are released from their contractual obligations. However, you must reimburse the other contracting party for services already provided.

  1. Obligations of the tenant

The tenant undertakes to treat the rental property and its inventory with all due care. The tenant is liable to pay compensation for culpable damage to furnishings, rental rooms or the building as well as the systems belonging to the rental rooms or the building if and to the extent that it was culpably caused by him or his accompanying persons or visitors.

The tenant must immediately notify the landlord of any damage occurring in the rented rooms unless he is obliged to repair it himself. The tenant is liable for compensation for failure to report consequential damage in a timely manner.

Waste, ashes, harmful liquids and the like may not be thrown or poured into the sink or toilet. If blockages occur in the sewage pipes due to non-compliance with these regulations, the person responsible will bear the costs of the repair.

If any malfunctions occur in the systems and facilities of the rental property, the tenant is obliged to do everything reasonable to help resolve the malfunction or to minimize any damage that may arise. The tenant is obliged to inform the landlord immediately of any defects in the rental property. If the tenant fails to report this, he is not entitled to any claims due to non-fulfillment of the contractual services (in particular no claims for a rent reduction).

  1. Liability of the landlord

The landlord is liable for the accuracy of the description of the rental property and is obliged to properly provide the contractually agreed services and to maintain them throughout the entire rental period. The landlord is not liable according to § 536a BGB. The landlord’s liability for property damage resulting from unlawful acts is excluded unless it is based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the landlord. The landlord is not liable in cases of force majeure (e.g. fire, flood, etc.).

  1. Animal husbandry

Animals are not allowed in the apartment.

  1. Changes to the contract

Subsidiary agreements, changes and additions to the contract as well as all legally relevant declarations must be in writing.

  1. House rules and duty of consideration

Tenants are asked to show mutual consideration.

Our holiday accommodation is  NOT PARTY ACCOMMODATION!!!!

Sound devices of all kinds (including TV sets/music boxes, recorders, music instruments, etc.) may only be used at such a volume that bystanders are not significantly disturbed or the natural environment cannot be impaired.

Every tenant is responsible for ensuring that there is no avoidable noise in the apartment, house, yard and property.

Radios, televisions, CD players and so on should be set to room volume.

  1. Final provisions

Photos and text on the website or in the flyer serve to provide a realistic description. 100 percent compliance with the rental property cannot be guaranteed. The landlord reserves the right to make changes to the furnishings (e.g. furniture) provided they are of equal value.

If one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are or become invalid, this will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining conditions. The ineffective regulation must be replaced by an effective one that comes closest to the economic and legal will of the contracting parties.

In our holiday apartment “Casa alba sul mare”, which means “house sunrise by the sea”, a beautiful sunrise awaits you every morning on the terrace. A cozy seating area with a bottle of red wine invites you to relax. We attach great importance to a feel-good atmosphere. You have a direct view of the sea from your front door. The beach and the train station can be reached in a few minutes on foot.

The city center of Balestrate with all restaurants, bars and shopping opportunities can also be reached on foot in a few minutes. You can easily take the train to Palermo, San Vito Lo Capo and Trapani. Balestrate is approx. 30 km from Palermo Airport (Falcone e Borsellino) and 50 km from Trapani Airport. You can reach your destination in 25 minutes with the direct motorway connection from Palermo Airport or 45 minutes from Trapani Airport.

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